Trying to decide if it’s worth it to get Own Occupation. As you know it costs a lot more, and I don’t want to end up doing a job that pays very little. (Insurance broker told me I can be forced to work as a walmart greeter)
I work as a computer programmer making big bucks. Here is the thing, I just have to be able to sit and type. I have to be pretty messed up in order to not sit and type at a desk.
Does anyone know of any situations where the insurance company forces to work a low paying job, or one that is not pleasant? If so, is it worth it to pay the extra to get Own Occupation?
I assume this is to buy your own insurance to supplement your group insurance.
You will also probably get a high CPP-D.
I wouldn’t get “own occupation” coverage but maybe you need it to maintain your current lifestyle.
Just my opinion.
I would have to see the actual wording of the “Any Occupation” clause, BUT I can tell you that these definitions are nuanced and include an income threshold component and also take into account age, work experience, limitations, etc. If you have a high income, then work as a walmart greeter would not be considered “any occupation” under most individual or group policies. Again, it depends on the wording and it sounds like you are buying an individual plan, but you can absolutely get an any occ coverage that would not limit you to work as a walmart greeter.
I personally have an “own Occ” only LTD plan which is basically the best you can get, but that is not right for everyone depending on what you can afford.
David Brannen
Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal
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