Reporting Damages Award to Insurer

It’s just my opinion but, I would comply with their requests , to the point where they are reasonable . At which point they become unreasonable , I would discuss with your attending physicians about the effects it is having on your health. He/she will document this . Follow up with the Human Rights Commission after. You are generally allowed to submit a complaint as long as the last incident is within 12 months of filing . They can also go beyond that if there is historical evidence that their behaviour was consistent with the reasons you are filing your complaint and which has had a negative effect on your health . If they decline to accept after you submit your initial complaint , be persistent. Ultimately , if you have grounds , they will accept upon appeal .

I always comply in writing (I sometimes have my employment lawyer read over a few requests to verify), have backed up everything with my medical team (6 different medical professionals) in writing and ensure I document it all.

Like you, they contribute to my stress (mentioned in all 6 independent medical reports) and I have documentation that reflects the involvement with my employer over my termination. Things settled a bit from them after they were informed I actually did file a legal case against my employer.

I may end up calling Resolute!

Is your employer a federally regulated company ?

No, but they are not federally regulated.
Staff has turned over 100% since my leaving, the overseeing decision making committees have changed members 90%. It was not my direct superior that terminated me, but an interim one.
My illnesses were very basic (I ultimately needed time and no stress), yet my care was convoluted and intermingle between insurer and employer.

Most long term disability policies typically have provisions which reduce the monthly payment you receive by accounting for:
 Benefits payable from any Workers’ Compensation plan, including Workplace Safety Insurance payments
 Disability benefits received under any other government program such as, Canadian Pension Plan- Disability, Provincial Disability Support Program, Employment Insurance- Sickness Benefits, etc.
 Any income provided under a retirement or pension plan of the employer
 Income from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Act
 Wages or remuneration payable from, any employer, including any statutory or common law termination and/or severance pay
Consult your policy for specifics or get something from the insurer in writing.