I have a question please, which I’ll ask after I give you a little info.
I’ve been off work for 3 months. My being off just snowballed with my health issues not allowing me to accept shifts. I am a casual, so no set hours, I’m only required to do so many hours a year, so I’m just listed as
“not available” not reported as ill. I have seen my GP through the years as my condition worsened.
I’ve seen a specialist, who said I have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and then was told there was no more that could be done, just try different meds., exercises. I found a specialist, through a relative, and was on a waiting list, or so I thought, anyway that didn’t happen. So, to me there was nothing to be done. I didn’t keep going to my GP too often as there seemed as though there wasn’t any point, I suffered in silence and do the best I can when and if I can, with help from loved ones.
Ok, my question… there are a couple short shifts at work coming up, some are not for the usual physical portion of my job, I’m wondering if I should try to do them or will it look like I’ve been capable all these months even if I try and fail? Would that one day or so cancel out the 3 months I’ve been off as if I was capable? Plus, I don’t know that I’m even mildly capable of much, until the day of. I just heard from the specialists office, I got back on the list, and have an appointment March 2nd. I’m feeling like it wouldn’t be taken as though I made a good effort, as if I was really trying hard, if I even try to get ready to go into work and fail, that it might be viewed as I’m well enough just for trying and that would work against me. Honestly, every day a shower is a daunting task, so life can be very challenging. Trying to get info and decide what to do has been a bit over whelming. Now I’m being told I should have applied for medical EI. I’m not sure if that’s too late, is it? Can I apply to EI that far back then apply to CPP? To fill out the online forms with what I worked weekly, income, and what work was missed for these forms is terribly challenging when you haven’t any set hours, just casual, on call.
This specialist would be the best to fill out any medical forms, so this is good, but there are shifts coming up and I just don’t know if I should cancel them, it’s been very difficult and I don’t want to set myself back even more, perhaps there’s my answer. I also don’t want to rock the boat too much at work either by not coming in at all but I’m not on disability either, I feel so in limbo, it’s stressful.
I hope this has made some sense, I actually did try to keep it short
Thanks very much,