Moving provinces and buying a house

I’m on CPP Disability, I am selling vacant land I had intended to homestead on but after trying to lug water and live off grid I decided I’d die up there it’s so remote so I’m selling it and will have to move from BC to the Maritimes where I can buy a house to live in.
What next? What do I do first? Am I allowed to keep any of the money as a fall back? Is there a ratio or percentage I am allowed to keep ( we are talking under 75,000 if I buy a house for 100,000)
Thanks, am confounded

All the money is yours to use as you want.
Happy selling. :slight_smile:

Yes, CPP disability payments and eligibility is based on your “ability to do work” not on how much money you have in the bank or new money earned from selling assets. Provincial disability benefits (for example like PWD in BC) do use a financial means test so they would be affected.

David Brannen

Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal

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