Mental health issues after car accident and dealing with insurance

Thank you so much Elaine!

Had tried to contact with some lawyers in other province but they said they are not allowed to give advice in our province.

My husband had this pin and needle pain in his hands last night and went to emergency. This is the second time. Last time was September. Normally he’ll only have numbness in hands. He did EMG before but found nothing. Last night at emergency, a nice doctor finally conducted a long overdue CT scan for him and found this narrow part in his spine. This doctor referred him to a neurologist. Hope this time we could see a neurologist sooner.

Because our first GP messed up the referral. first neurologist was seen one year after the accident. Ordered EMG but find nothing. Refused to order MRI, because in our province, MRI scan has a ridiculous long waiting. This time I’ll push the doctor to refer a MRI that I would like to pay by ourselves. Unable to find out what makes the mu husband’s pain drives us crazy too.

Hopefully it will work out for you. Fingers crossed.

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Think you so much Elaine!

Today I went to our first GP, who never sent anything to insurance company, yet who has the most relating medical records to the accident. He said we are a trouble to him. And he stated he faxed our medical records to insurance. I asked which fax number he sent too, he gave me 800 number.

The insurance company sent letter to him and there is fax number on the letter. But the GP either never gave a fuck to it or he has no idea what is fax number. And he thinks we are a trouble to him.

Insurance company was very happy that they don’t have our medical records immediately after the accident and they using these incomplete medical history to ask their doctors to “review” our case.

I’m sure we are not the only one affected by this as I saw other ppl’s similar experience in this doctors google review.

I don’t even know whom to blame now. Or how we can do something to change this so other people don’t need be like us.