I have been on partial long term disability since 2011 and on full disability since 2015 and cpp dis. since 2015. Recently my ins company sent a letter stating they will cease payments because of one specialist I seen never sent in their medical report form nor submitted his notes even though I requested several times myself. No issues from my regular Dr., nor my Physio or massage therapists or other specialists I have seen. I have several MRI reports demonstrating my injury clearly. They only are missing an update medical form and my last consult notes from an appt last month with this one dr. Earlier info from this specialist was taken from my chart with my family dr as he receives it a few months after my visits. Because of this, they are stating they are stopping payments until this dr sends in his report. I am on waitlist to see other specialists as well as scheduled for another MRI. What options are available to me? Is it even possible they can legally stop payments because of one Dr ( I have seen several over time of my disability). I am also interested in buyout option as this is extremely stressful to deal with especially now that they can just so easily close a file, or at least threaten to stop payments. Thanks for any info you can provide.