I had been receiving LTD disability payments from Great West Life and they encouraged me to apply to CPP also and sign up for the disability potion also. I did as requested and informed them of the change. When I reached 65 my LTD benefits were terminated by and shortly thereafter I was notified that they had miscalculated my payments and that I owed them over $6000 . If the error was an omission by GWL am I still required by law to reimburse them?
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What province are you in? How long ago was the payment owed.
I would wait for a second letter. Might be able to run out the statute of limitations.
You likely owe–but is it collectible?
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Sounds like a question for a lawyer, @David_Brannen.
British Columbia and I ended my LTD Oct/28/18 . I got their letter mid November
When did you alert them about receiving CPP-D-or when should they have realized that you allegedly was over paid?
This is a small claim amount. Personally I would just wait for another letter to come and enjoy your holidays. Try and run out the clock.
You can always pay if you want or work out a payment plan–you could wait until they might sue and negotiate then. 2 year limitation for unsecured debt.
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