I want to go back to work

I’ve been on LTD for 9 years. I’m feeling better and symptoms have been stable for a few years now. I receive LTD and cpp disability. My old job is not available anymore and the company doesn’t have a position for me. I need to be retrained to get a new position to be in line with former salary. I want to get a 2 year college diploma after researching jobs I would enjoy and be qualified for. I’m going to be 65 in less than 10 years and then I lose my LTD. What would you recommend I do to get training or request a buyout? CPP might retrain but would LTD cut me off while in school?

I think they will think you’re able to work if you can go to school.
I’d talk to a lawyer and see what your options are.

A few things to be aware of:

  1. I’m assuming your employer has terminated your position after several years of being disabled and on LTD? If they never terminated your employment, and you are now medically authorized to return to work (even if it’s part time) then they are legally required to accomodate you and your disability as long as it doesn’t cause them undue hardship (which is very difficult for an employer to prove).

  2. The moment you tell your LTD insurer you are thinking about returning to work a whole bunch of scrutiny will follow. Expect ALOT of communication with your insurer.

  3. If you tell your LTD insurer you want (with medical approval) to start a full-time 2 year diploma then that would indicate you are able to work full-time, so be financially prepared to be cut off LTD. If the insurer can establish that you can earn 60% (higher for some policies) of your salary from 9 years ago at any job you are qualified for then they can contractually terminate your LTD monthly benefits.

Definitely get a legal consult before approaching your LTD insurer.


I don’t know if you can be way overqualified though.

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I’m in a similar situation to yours, on CPPD/LTD and nearing age 65. I posted here a few months ago asking about returning to work and about training options (CPP vs LTD insurer).

Don’t rely on CPP to retrain you. Here’s a reply I received to my post, this person tried for months to get training from CPP and was stonewalled:

Have you made any plans or done anything yet?

First of all, here’s the link to my original back to work thread. You might find some of the posts contain useful information: Best way to start process of return to work, on LTD/CPPD

Secondly, I’ve been trying frantically to find options for when I turn 65. At that time I’ll receive less than what an ODSP recipient gets, because I was off for several years on worker’s compensation, which greatly reduced my CPP contributions. I won’t get enough for an apartment or even a room.

I was on a wait list for supportive, rent geared to income housing for 10 years, then they kicked me off of their list along with about 500 others.

I applied for other housing, including senior housing, but the housing situation is so bad now I don’t expect anything will come up in time.

At this point it’s looking like my choices will be a tent or MAID. But I’m always looking for alternatives.

Sadly I don’t think I’ll be able to work. I was hoping if I worked I could continue working after age 65 so I could supplement my meagre income. Right now just doing daily things like finances and housework and even eating are hard for me.

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There are so few words…

Very sorry that you are in such a difficult situation :pensive: :gift_heart:

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I have found volunteering very uplifting and rewarding. You could try doing that to see how you feel and might help.

Maybe apply for ODSP?

I wish my LTD allowed volunteering.

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ODSP claws back all other forms of income.
The only advantage to ODSP is that they offer rudimentary coverage of dental, eyeglasses and assistive devices, and a lower co-pay for prescriptions than the Trillium Drug Benefit that I’m currently on.

My LTD allows volunteering, but anything over 4 hours a week and I get cut off.

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Anything that helps you feel valued for any amount of time is a very helpful contribution to your health and to society.

You are valuable and valued. Thank you for sharing, I am sending prayers for your health and well-being. <3

Buckets is 100% correct

I wanted to address this part of your post. LTD insurers DO NOT consider byouts in situations where people want to return to work. They will just say that you are capable of work so there is no need to keep paying your. Buyouts only happen when a person is permanently unable to return to the workforce, and the insurer wants to buyout the policy for THEIR OWN administrative or financial reasons.

David Brannen

Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal

The response posted above is based on the limited factual information made available and is not intended as a full and complete response to the question. The only reliable manner to obtain complete and adequate legal advice is to consult with a lawyer, fully explain your situation, and allow the lawyer enough time to research the applicable law and facts required to give an adequate opinion. The basic information provided above is intended as a public service only, a full one-on-one discussion with a lawyer should be done before taking any any action. The information posted on this forum is available to the viewing public and is not intended to create a lawyer client relationship with any person. If you want one-on-one advice, please click here to request a free consultation or call toll free 1-877-917-7050 to speak with a member with our disability claim support team.

I can totally relate. I dont make enough to live nearing 65 is still 10yrs away but im too disabled to work on paper and not allowed to volunteer because if im able to volunteer than im clearly able to work at some sort of low paying job that wont help make rent either. Im living with my mom whos still working at 68yrs old. Im suppose to be helping take care of her as she moves into her golden years and shes breaking her back to put a roof over mine and my adopted 16yr old brothers heads. And shes not even receiving post adoption pay like she’s supposed too. But thsts a whole other complaint withh the system. The same thoughts of the MAID and homelessness have been in my head too. I wish i never self reported on myself working as a nurse 10yrs ago. I never had any complaints against me i just knew i wasnt well mentally. And now im sicker than i was when im started, broke, hopless and no chances or opportunities at education or employment thats more than minimum wage practically. Praying everyday for my mom to stay well and trying to help her the best i can so i can have a roof over my head. Brutal life. Trying to find peace one day at a time is tough when u dont see a future or have any dreams of success and happiness.

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Im also the person who responded with my experience dealing with CPP vocational retraining programming. What a joke!!

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Hi Sekhmet, does your policy actually specify “4” hours a week as a maximum? I’m asking only because this is the first time I’ve heard that.