Will I get a t4 from the insurance company even though my LTD is non-taxable?
Nope. They do not issue any accounting your LTD income. At least Manulife doesn’t.
Jammer - I agree with DerekW. You will not receive any tax slips for your LTD income from any organization. In your specific situation, your LTD income is non-taxable and no income tax was deducted from your LTD payments, therefore there isn’t anything to report to Revenue Canada.
LTD income is non-taxable only in the situation where the disabled person paid 100% of the LTD premiums before going on claim (e.g. the employer did not contribute any portion of the premiums).
Why do some employers even pay some of the premiums, it seems better when they don’t?
T Slips are only issued by LTD provider if your benefit is taxable. So if non-taxable you should expect no T slip.
David Brannen
Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal
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