Back on 2016 I applied for disability insurance while our company was in work sharing program basically
our working hours cut to half and the rest of hours covered by government work sharing program up to 60% of hourly rate. my question is the insurance covers based on my current 20 hours per week,
I worked for 8 years as a full time employ 40 hours per week in your opinion is it should be like that or something is missing.
The formula for calculating the benefit amount will be in the policy. It is normally based on your income at the date of disability. If your income had already reduced at the date of disability, then it is possible your benefit could be based on that lesser amount. An execution would be if you reduced your hours due to your disability, but did not apply for disability. If your hours and salary were reduced because of workplace changes, then it is possible you will be stuck with the salary in place as of your date of disability. Date of disability is defined as the day after your last day at work before going on extended disability leave that lead to the current LTD claim.
David Brannen
Disability Lawyer with Resolute Legal
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